Layne Staley Tribute Video (Features Rare Footage)!!!


This is the video played during the changeover from the electric to acoustic set on the 2006 Alice in Chains tour. It’s a brief look at a little of what made so many of us love Layne so much …

Layne Staley Tribute Video (Features Rare Footage)!!!

  1. Keith04-30-13

    LOL! What a bunch of dorks. But that’s why we love’em. And sorry Barbara, I’m sure your getting tired of reading all my posts, but I can’t help it. I blame you for making such an awesome site. LOL! But I’ll stop posting for a while, im sure your a bussy women. So i will just Catch up on some of great story’s on here.

  2. jesse12-07-11

    This leaves me in question of why i wasnt around to experience the great layne staley! I have music..and friends (barbara) God..we woulda hadda great time together..thank u barbara..again many thanks 1000

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