The Real Dirt – Rolling Stones Article


The Real Dirt Article

Rolling Stone/1994. Check it out..

Quote from the Article:

Alice in Chains’ two critically acclaimed albums, Facelift and Dirt, are steeped in gloom and angst, weaving gorgeously depressed tales of animal rights (“Man in the Box”, the band’s first big hit) and the ravages of the Vietnam War (“Rooster,” whose video featured Cantrell’s father, a Vietnam vet).
In contrast, Jar of Flies is more relaxed and quirky. “We were fucking around for a while, and that’s what came out,” says Cantrell.
Staley says recording the EP was a way of winding down after a long stint on tour. “We told [our label, Columbia], ‘We got hundreds of songs,'” — he laughs. “Then we went [into the studio] and looked at each other — do you have any ideas? No. Do you have any ideas? Oh, well, let’s just do it.”

Read the whole article: The Real Dirt – Rolling Stone; February 24, 1994

Also Read: Needle and the Damage Done Article


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