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Uploaded on 16 August, 2011
Cantrell called “Love, Hate, Love” the “masterpiece of that record,” adding about the song that Staley’s vocals are “amazing” and that it features one of his favorite guitar solos he ever performed.
Length : 7:12
Category: Facelift.
Tags: facelift.
Alice In Chains – Live at the Moore, Seattle -1991 (Subtitled)
by admin
Mad Season – Live at RKCNDY, Seattle, WA 12/31/94 [Full Concert]
Interview Alice In Chains – Jerry Cantrell and Sean Kinney about Layne Staley
Layne Staley Death Report On Much Music News April 2002
On Much Music announcement of Layne Staley's death. They do a pretty cool look back on his career. is a website dedicated to Layne Staley and the music he created.... Enjoy!