Alice in Chains – Down in a Hole



I love this video because Layne looks not only HOT but HEALTHY.. 🙂

Layne Staley supposedly died on April 5, years after Kurt Cobain who also supposedly died on April 5. Some speculate that he planned to die that day in hopes he’d be forgotten. It’s interesting how those that don’t want to be remembered are always the ones you never want to forget…

“There’s no huge, deep message in any of the songs. We recorded a few months of being human.”
-Layne Staley

  1. Merita03-01-13

    I can’t believe that he is dead, I still think that he is alive somewhere hiding from public and media, that’s how i want to think and if i think otherwise, i will die out of grief – although so many years passed not seeing Layne, I love him and will keep up thinking that he is somewhere alive….
    don’t believe in heaven or hell, but in this case i wish so much that heaven exists and when i die i search for him and hug him- but again I really hope he is alive

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