Mike Starr


by: David de Sola

Alice in Chains: The Untold Story

Alice in Chains: The Untold Story

Hey everyone long time no post… So, I thought I would check in and just mention some new news on Alice. There was a book recently written called Alice in Chains: The Untold Story by David de Sola. The author David did approach me to participate like he did a LOT of people so I wasn’t special but […]

Anniversary of Dem’s passing & a note from her Mom

Anniversary of Dem’s passing & a note from her Mom

Demri Lara Parrott  – February 22nd 1969 – October 29th 1996 Oct 29th is a day a lot of us who knew and loved Demri will never forget. I know I will personally miss Demri as long as I live… but today marks the day that Demri was taken from us ALL forever. Today the site received […]

Darin Lamb – One of Layne Staley’s Best Friends

Darin Lamb – One of Layne Staley’s Best Friends

Well... its been 10 years since Layne passed and I've kept silent. My name is Darin Lamb but most people no me as D-ROCK. At the time of Laynes passing and many years before that I would have considered us best friends. Many reasons for this but the #1 reason is because of my LOYALTY as a friend!

March 5th.. Forever Loved. Layne Staley.

March 5th.. Forever Loved. Layne Staley.

Well.. it’s been 10 years today since Layne passed away and honestly I still can not even fathom that it’s been that long.. I’ve had another child since then and so many things have happened in my life.. I can’t help but wonder where Layne, Demri and Mike would be today if maybe they had […]

Me and Mike 1992

Me and Mike 1992

One of Mike’s best friends recently posted this picture of me and Mike in 1992. I look like such a baby face… and I was so excited to see this pic because I lost everything I owned from back then including all my pictures of me and Mike and all my friends.. pictures I can […]

The Needle And The Damage Done

The Needle And The Damage Done

Layne-Staley – Rolling Stone Cover The Needle And The Damage Done Rolling Stone – 1996 They’ve survived drug addiction and personal tragedy, but the hardest thing for Alice in Chains may be finding a way to live with themselves. Turning the steering wheel hard to the right and stomping his foot on the gas, Alice […]

Rest in Peace Mike Starr

Rest in Peace Mike Starr

Sad to report Mike Starr the original bassist for Alice in Chains passed on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, after a long struggle with drug addiction. Mike was a dear friend of mine for many years. We dated for about 9 months when I was 19 years old and he was about 26 and then we […]

When the Suffering Undoes the Artist

When the Suffering Undoes the Artist

When the Suffering Undoes the Artist By JON PARELES Published NY Times: Sunday, April 28, 2002 (NY Times Article)

Pictures dug up from the past..

Pictures dug up from the past..

I was pleasantly surprised to find these pictures online and was even more surprised to see my best friend Rosheen is also in the pictures with Demri. Rosheen passed away 6 months after Demri. To view the rest of this set please visit the photographers Flickr.com account.