Rubio’s book = money on Amazon


I was shocked to find out tonight that Adriana Rubio’s books are going for upwards of $175 bucks a piece for used copies… I personally never read it but I heard it was pure crap. If you have read it.. I’d love to hear what you thought of it.

Mike’s unchained book is also going for a crap load of money. Too bad that’s exactly what they are.. pure crap.

Adriana Rubio’s books on

Adriana Rubio's books

Adriana Rubio’s books on Amazon

Layne Books on

Adriana Rubio’s books

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Mike Starrs Book

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  1. Me06-25-15

    This site is dumb. Layne lives in our hearts and in his music, not on some blog cobbled together by someone who barely knew him. Let him be. Get a life of your own.

    • frank06-29-17

      you did not read the darin lamb post did you?

    • Nah04-04-21

      Shut up. Let people do what they want. She knew him better than you did. What are you, some sort of Layne Staley gatekeeper? What a joke. Sit the F down. Or are you the fraud Adriana herself? Only person who needs to “get a life” is you. IDEGAF if this was way back in 2015.

  2. so what09-13-14

    How do you people know that what is in the book is not true. None of you were at the interview so you do not know what was said between the author and the musician.

    • Nah04-04-21

      Many people came forward saying the interviews weren’t real, especially his sister. There’s a video on the YouTube channel “rock and roll true stories” that talks about it.

  3. KateFred05-21-13

    I would love one day to have a book written by the actual peeps that knew Layne and Mike, so sad how scum are cashing in. I guess I too could write a book from stuff I find online (probably what they did) but would be great to hear about the fun times they all had when they were younger before this disease took them, someday I hope!

    • SBAW04-04-21

      Check out Mark Lannigan’s book “Sing Backwards and Weep”.

  4. Mindy Coffey04-12-13

    That;s just wonderful lol…I thought I had truly scored a great deal finding it for $10 & was all excited & it should be here tomorrow & I heard AFTER I bought it, the author did NOT do a very good job so at least I didn’t shell out $200 for it though ha!

    • Keith11-19-17

      Any chance you could send me a few pictures of the pages with the interview? I know its all bs but curious to read it nonetheless


  5. Krista04-10-13

    Yep I bought it a few years back. I was really at a point that I just had to have it even though I had read online it was bs. I also put in an order for Mike Starr book the day I heard he died. I think for the Starr book it was around $20 but then I got an email that they were sold out, then a week later the same comapany jacked up the price to almost $300.

  6. alin christensen11-28-12

    I bought it for 10 bucks. I wouldn’t sell it because I would feel bad screwing someone out of the money. Its that bad. As well as In the Studio. I wish someone would write a book that did the group and the individuals right.

    • Brandi01-23-17

      No, that’s not bad at all. I applaud you for not wanting to resell a book and profit on it when we all know it was pure lie. And the poster above that said we can’t know for sure if it’s real; we do know because his mom verified Layne never did that interview and would not have said the things in that book. Kudos to you for doing the right thing by not spreading that book more than it already has. Layne is surely looking down and appreciating that because one thing they hated is chasing misprinted lies.

  7. Sandra Mathews08-21-12

    Worst book ever. I bought it, read about three chapters and put it away. I still have it…but it was definitely pure crap.

  8. ibdreamy04-24-12

    Your welcome and it’s stll not worth the buy, I never read either one of them. Don’t have too. Yes.. I did know Layne and that is why I made this website. You can read more about why and all that on the about page for more info and background. Thanx for the compliment.

  9. Jonathan04-23-12

    I read here and there that the book wasn’t worth the buy, and that layne’s mother wasn’t supporting this book at all . Thank you for this amazing website ! Did you had the chance to meet Layne ?

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